Women’s Health Week 2024 Topics

Women’s Health Week is bought to us by the Jean Halies Organisation a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women's health across Australia through every life stage. In 2016, the Australian Government formally announced Jean Hailes as the national digital gateway for women’s health and wellbeing. It is this organisation who have provided the information and resources below, translating research and medical evidence, in many ways to suit our diverse audiences.

Womens Health Week 2024:

Day 1: Check me Out

Getting regular health checks is one of the best ways to protect your health. That's why, today, we’re talking blood pressure checks, do-it-yourself cervical screening, vulval self-checks and more.

Not sure which checks you need and when? From mammograms to heart health checks, check out the Jean Hallie guide can help to keep you on track.

Health Checks for Women (pdf).

Day 2: Chronic Pain

Edometriosis, persistent pelvic pain, period pain, painful sex, joint pain, chronic pain and how to cope.

Being in pain can knock you around. But today’s topic and resources are all about getting you back on your feet. Get expert advice on painful health conditions, learn when to reach out for help, and hear stories from women on ways they cope www.jeanhalies.org.au

Information guides:

  1. Endometriosis (pdf)

  2. Vaginismus (pdf) (pdf)

  3. Dyspareunia (painful sex)

Day 3: Hello Hormones

We can’t live without our hormones. But they aren’t always our best friends. The Jean Halies organisation brings resources to learn how to take charge with information on menopause, PMS, weight gain and more.

Hello Hormones

Menopause and Osteoporosis: how can exercise help?

Day 4: Making it Work

There are times when we all feel like a mouse on a wheel. Whether your jobs are paid or unpaid, day 4 is about highlighting work struggles, celebrating the good bits and realising we're all just trying to make it work!

How to navigate chronic health issues at work

Running on empty?

What are the early warning signs of exhaustion and nine ways to revive yourself.

Day 5: Food for thought

Healthy eating advice can be confusing and overwhelming. So day 5 is serving up simple steps for good nutrition, and dietary tweaks tailored to different ages and life stages.

Boost your mood with mind-nourishing food: How diet, gut health and mental health are all connected

Thank you to Jean Halies for Women’s Health Organisation for their information and resources for Women’s Health Week 2023.


Pubic Symphysis pain in pregnancy